Entries by Town of Palm Beach

Project Delivery Method

The Task Force reviewed and discussed recommendations for choosing the Undergrounding Project Delivery Method. A Project Delivery Method is a system utilized by owners and public agencies to manage how a project will advance from concept to construction. The Task Force examined methods that: Keep costs low Protect Palm Beach property owners Make sure timelines […]

FPL Equipment Locations Delivered

Florida Power & Light has delivered the equipment locations for where their electrical equipment will be placed in the Phase 1 project areas based on the schedule they committed to the Town. FPL has worked collaboratively with the Town and project team to ensure the project remains on schedule. 

Shared Restoration Costs

The Town has identified $11,000 in project savings by sharing in the restoration costs for the roadway ponding repairs on Ibis Isle. The Town and Project Team continue to work proactively to find opportunities to cut costs and save money. 

Electric Meter Review

Town Engineers and FPL have completed the required electric meter review for all property owners in Phase 1 of the project. Phase 1 includes properties north of Onondaga Avenue and south of Sloan’s Curve. Residents were notified prior to the reviews taking place. 

Electrical Utility Equipment Locations

The Undergrounding Project Team has received the electrical utility equipment locations from FPL for Phase 1 of the program. Team members are working with the utility companies to ensure each location meets specific conduit requirements for undergrounding.  Comcast and AT&T are now completing their infrastructure plans for Phase 1.  

Reducing Project Costs

The Task Force examined multiple options for taking out a bond for the undergrounding project, the method of financing approved by Town voters.  Task Force Members reviewed ways to reduce the debt service on the bonds, cut costs and how lower interest rates can benefit the Town. A more formal discussion on the financing will […]