Entries by Town of Palm Beach

Update at Citizens’ Association

On Wednesday, November 2, 2016 the Town of Palm Beach provided an undergrounding update at the Citizens’ Association. Town Manager Tom Bradford discussed the progress of the undergrounding project, upcoming milestones, and addressed questions from the audience. The Town Council voted to convert overhead utilities to an underground location and Town voters approved the financing […]

Hurricane Matthew and Undergrounding

The Town of Palm Beach, and south Florida in general, were very lucky with Hurricane Matthew grazing our coastline and making landfall further north. However, Hurricane Matthew did disrupt power throughout the entire North End of Town north of Wells Road and for about half the customers in the Midtown area. Power was fully restored […]

Legal Update

The Town has two lawsuits that challenge the undergrounding project’s 1.) financing and 2.) ballot language. The Town’s positon is the ballot language was clear in its intent to bury overhead utility lines through special assessment and cannot be challenged since the referendum was already passed by the voters. The financing of undergrounding is through […]

Town-Wide Broadband Assessment Study

In order to explore the potential opportunities that this project may provide in bringing enhanced Broadband service to the Town, the UUTF recommended and the Town Council approved, the performance of a Broadband Infrastructure Assessment. This Assessment will identify the community need for enhanced Broadband service, the costs involved, and the potential revenue that could […]

Broadband Infrastructure Assessment

Magellan Advisors was selected to perform a Broadband Infrastructure Assessment. Magellan Advisors will consult the Town on the best approach to provide residents broadband technology and the infrastructure needed in the community. Magellan Advisors discussed how the cost of broadband installation could be reduced, how smart poles could be utilized, the capabilities of fiber optic […]